NIH R01-NS105958 (Role: PI) “Regulation of instructive signaling in the cerebellum.” 2018 - 2023

NIH R01-1NS2289 (Role: PI) “Motor memory storage in the cerebellum.” 2020 - 2025

NIH R01-NS118401 (Role: MPI [Contact], with A Hantman) “Organization of inhibition in the cerebellar cortex.” 2020 - 2025

NIH R01-MH126706 (Role: MPI, with A Hantman and M Williams) “AnteroTag, a novel method for trans-synaptic delivery of active agents to anterograde populations.” 2021 - 2024

NIH R01-NS118401 (Role: MPI, with J Pugh) “Cerebellar pathology in the absence of plasticity gating.” 2021 - 2026